By Rom Harré, Fathali M. Moghaddam
In this two-volume set, the main accomplished therapy of its topic thus far, eminent social scientists discover the approaches eager about turning into friends—or enemies. quantity 1, Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Insights, makes a speciality of friendship and enmity among members, interpreting occasions that come up in romances, in class, at paintings, and among races, genders, and sexual identities. The textual content is enriched through a dialogue of person interactions in vintage books and films, what these tales replicate, and what they train approximately human nature. quantity 2, Group and Intergroup Understanding, makes a speciality of workforce dynamics throughout time and worldwide. issues diversity from workforce interactions prior to and after the yank Civil warfare to friendship and enmity among Afghans and americans this present day. The work's final hindrance, in spite of the fact that, is to give ways that members, teams, and countries can discover ways to be friends.
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Furthermore, nonviolence also deserves more attention, both from the psychology field in general and from introductory psychology in particular. Although at least three texts mentioned examples of nonviolence, such as Gandhi’s successful nonviolence campaign and cultures of nonviolence, the term was unlisted in every book. War is pertinent to psychology and conflict resolution, yet received surprisingly little attention in the texts. Eighteen of 20 texts (90%) did not list war in the index. Those that did had good coverage and offer ideas for future texts.
Reisberg, D. (2011). ). W. Norton and Company. Gorenflo, D. , & McConnell, J. V. (1991). The most frequently cited journal Â�articles and authors in introductory psychology textbooks. Teaching of Â�Psychology, 18, 8–12. Gottman, J. , & Silver, N. (2000). The seven principles of making marriage work. New York: Three Rivers Press. Gray, P. (2007). ). New York: Worth Publishers. Griggs, R. , Jackson, S. , Christopher, A. , & Marek, P. (1999). Introductory psychology textbooks: Analysis and update.
However, these were all noted in relation to posttraumatic stress disorder and/or stress. War and Prejudice One book made an explicit link between war and prejudice (Book 17). S. during World War II, Native American segregation, and others. Representations in Introductory Psychology Textbooks 33 Terrorism Although the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were almost universally mentioned, coverage was limited to topics such as PTSD, flashbulb memories, and other results of terrorism. Only two out of the 20 books (10%) mentioned the study of terrorism and its causes.