By Deane E. Neubauer, Catherine Gomes
This edited quantity examines the significance of caliber concerns in modern better schooling platforms within the Asia Pacific. half One foregrounds suitable discussions of ‘quality’ inside of today’s globalized, interconnected, and complicated larger schooling platforms whereas half makes a speciality of chosen universities within the Asia Pacific quarter. bankruptcy individuals talk about how caliber matters and caliber coverage mechanisms are applied of their situation-specific platforms. half 3 extends the learn of upper schooling caliber coverage in Hawaii Pacific collage (HPU) and the various foreign pupil physique within the Australian larger schooling procedure. the belief bankruptcy discusses a typology of tools utilized by larger schooling structures in constructing potent caliber coverage mechanisms.
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Self-accreditation tends to apply with a “fitness for purpose” approach only, inspecting how a university’s performance fulfills its specific missions. Within a well-developed internal quality assurance system, institutional capacity will be also enhanced in order to deal with more complicated quality issues, such as program restructuring, faculty development, and so on (Stensaker et al. 2011). With an emphasis on self-enhancement, self- accreditation focuses more on development of internal quality assurance rather than external review.
Higher Education Evalualtion & Accreditation Council of Taiwan (HEEACT) (2016). HEEACT website. Y. C. (2011). Quality assurance at a distance: International accreditation in Taiwan higher education. Higher Education, 61(2), 179–191. C. HOU ET AL. Y. , & Morse, R. (2014). Transforming the quality assurance framework for Taiwanese higher education: A glonacal context. Policy and Society, 33, 275–285. International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) (2013). Analytic quality glossary.
Paper presented at the 2013 Conference of International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), April 8–11, Taiwan. Dhanatya Introduction What is strategic planning? The idea of allowing organizations to “think” and “contemplate” their future enterprises through some disciplined process is not a new phenomenon. The process of strategic planning can be seen everywhere, from complex large-scale multinational corporations and government to small-scale businesses and non-profits.