By Eric and Mary Anderson Ashby
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After ten years in parliament, Haldane was known, and what he stood for was known. In February I896 he figured in 'Spy's' series of famous lawyers, contributed to Vanity Fair, under a title which must have pleased him: 'A Hegelian politician'; for it was as a politicianphilosopher that he wanted to be known. Despite his busy life at the bar and in parliament and his week-ends in society, he found time to publish a translation of Schopenhauer, a biography of Adam Smith, and numerous articles in the reviews on themes of politics and philosophy.
Professor Hales in a letter to The Times: ' ... Now the London University imparts no learning; it teaches nothing; it gives neither lessons nor lectures; it provides no information; it only asks questions. ' Quoted by the principal of King's, in evidence to the Selbome Commission, June 1888. Portrait of Haldane Lehtjreiheit was shackled by the syllabus. So, on grounds of prestige for the Empire's capital, on grounds of educational philosophy, and in response to a rising dissatisfaction among many graduates of the University of London themselves, there was a need to form the London colleges into a teaching university.
A man who regards politics 'not as a sphere for the exercise of Machiavellian astuteness, but as a subject of high seriousness' . . 'the most distinguished ornament' of the school of thought which had introduced Hegel to England. So (ends the testimonial) 'we do not enunciate any controversial proposition when we say that Mr Haldane if elected to the Lord Rectorship would honourably fill the high traditions of that office. He is still a young man, but he has clearly shown himself possessed of abilities which argue well for his future career ...