By A. J. Cropley

Booklet by way of Cropley, A. J.

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5), or "resource guide" (Lynch, 1977, p. 46). The expectation is that teachers w i l l energize or activate learning in pupils, and guide them to necessary resources, as well as helping them to develop the a b i l i t y to find, choose and evaluate knowledge for themselves. The teacher and pupil growth The teacher's task is to "plan, guide and evaluate the pro­ gress of each individual pupil" (Ministry of Education, 1972, p. 61). However, this process of diagnosis and planning i n ­ volves more than simply assessment of academic achievement.

Relatianshvps with pupils The role of teachers is seen as changing to that of anima­ tors and facilitators of learning processes largely initiated by pupils and pursued for purposes important to the learners rather than the teachers. They are also seen as guides, con­ sultants and diagnosticians engaged in the maximization of pu­ p i l s ' potentials and the fostering of their personal fulfilment. This suggests that there w i l l be substantial changes in the teacher's relationship with pupils.

The former refers to the struc­ tured set of organized educational institutions including p r i ­ mary schools, high schools, universities, other institutions offering professional and technical training, and the whole range of educational organizations involved in full-time train­ ing. Schools are, of course, the best known examples of the system of formal education. Non-formal education, by contrast, refers to less highly organized educational activities which go on outside the formal system that has just been described.

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