By John Dewey

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All further education figures show an increase over previous years and the fastest-growing sector is to be found in full-time advanced courses. In 1966 there were 125,000 undergraduate and 29,000 postgraduate students in universities, a figure very close to the one recommended by the Robbins Committee. The indications are that the university population will continue to increase, at a rate outstripping the Robbins forecasts. Finally, there were in colleges of education no less than 86,500 students, an increase of more than 15,000 over the figure recommended by Robbins as the target for 1966.

CHAPTER 2 Schools, Colleges, and Universities W. R. ELLIOTT IN 1966 there were over 778,000 15-18-year-olds in English and Welsh secondary schools, 173,000 of them in sixth forms. There has been a steady increase over the last twelve years of pupils choosing to stay on at school after the statutory minimum leaving age of 15, and this upward trend is likely to continue at any rate until 1990. This forecast takes no account of the likely effect of raising the statutory leaving age to 16, though past experience suggests that whenever the age is officially raised substantial numbers of pupils are stimulated to stay on even longer.

Life and learning do not begin at the age of 5, and the last few years have seen a growing recognition, culminating in the Plowden Report, of the importance of pre-school education, in the home and in the neighbourhood. Infants' schools are not presented with a series of tabulae rasae on which to inscribe their precepts, nor does the educational influence of home and neighbourhood cease when school education begins. No one describes schools as ivory towers, but the tendency to think of them as places of isolation, separated from the rest of the community, has not disappeared, although efforts are being made to break it down and, in particular, to encourage parents to think that their relationship to school is something more than the provision of children to fill the buildings and occupy the teachers.

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