By E. Henderson
While addressed in its complete reactive power, gender tends to unfix the reassuring certainties of schooling and academia. Gender pedagogy unfolds as an account of educating gender studying that's rooted in Derrida's idea of the 'trace', reflecting the unfixing houses of gender or even shaking up educational wisdom construction.
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Example text
0009 Tracing Paper Having stumbled through the multiple presentations of the Gender Studies course and students in Chapter 2, it is perhaps best to reach for a theoretical mechanism that will provide some reassurance. The presentations of the previous chapter intended to destabilise the possibility of asking – and answering – the question of ‘what is ... ’. This issue, the issue of ‘is’, is pivotal to both gender pedagogy and the textual performance of this book. The notion of gender pedagogy that I outlined in Chapter 1, the version that groups women together and men together and then addresses inequalities, is quite confident in asking ‘what is ...
0008 Researching Gender Pedagogy elide the major challenges that every researcher has faced in conducting their study. With the view that a ‘straight’ contextualisation would run contrary to my project, yet also knowing that the subsequent chapters will make more sense as a reading experience if I let you in to some of the background of my study, I am therefore obliged to find a way of contextualising that fits with the pedagogy of the book. I do not believe that I ‘know’, that I can ever ‘know’ my study, the gender module, my participants, or myself as researcher.
So I was quite naïve, so I started to do a bit of work at [the international organisation], then as an intern at an NGO, and then on a contract uh on a temporary contract ... I always had the feeling that I was um lacking a background ... , because I’d never studied it, so I was going along with it in the day-to-day ... , I had the feeling that I was saying a lot of things without really knowing them ... , uh well people say that education is important, but they haven’t ever really thought about it, so that’s why I enrolled for this Master’s.