By Gianna Moscardo, Pierre Benckendorff
Sustainability is a dominant topic in tourism perform. more and more, study and schooling of tourism stakeholders can be important in enhancing sustainable tourism perform. This publication can pay systematic cognizance to schooling for sustainability in tourism, and is hence a useful source for sustainable tourism educators and students. The publication is split into 4 components. half I presents a reference for educators trying to comprehend center wisdom components, ethics, company social accountability and governance. half II examines matters and techniques suitable to figuring out tourism and sustainability within the formal academic quarter, together with universities, vocational education and college settings. half III explores studying and sustainable tourism in non-institutional settings, together with vacation spot groups, training and mentoring and customer studying. the ultimate half offers a suite of instances to demonstrate using diverse pedagogies and evaluation methods in schooling for sustainability in tourism. The booklet might be followed by means of teacher assets to aid educators instructing within the field.
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Extra resources for Education for Sustainability in Tourism: A Handbook of Processes, Resources, and Strategies
Sample text
Petersen, A. C. (2009). Conceptualizing sustainable development: An assessment methodology connecting values, knowledge, worldviews and scenarios. Ecological Economics, 68, 1006–1019. , & Jacques, P. (2009). A descriptive study of sustainability education in the hospitality curriculum. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Education, 21(4), 34–42. Dhiman, S. (2012). Social responsibility: Caring for people, products, peace, preservation, and planet. In J. Marques, S. Dhiman, & S. ), Business administration education (pp.
As previously noted, there has been an increase in attention paid to the links between tourism and QoL, but the majority of work in this area is still concerned with the well-being of tourists rather than destination communities or stakeholders. Thus, in the current conceptualisations of ST tourism has become the end goal rather than the means to an end. 2 Sustainable Tourism as Alternative or Ecotourism Current conceptualisations of ST treat it as a form of tourism that has been modified to have fewer immediate destination specific negative impacts, rather than a fundamentally different approach to tourism.
For example in the case of the TBL and the move to focus sustainability on justice, ethics and equity, the earliest discussions of sustainable tourism focussed on environmental issues and over the last 20 years there has been both a shift to include elements of the other dimensions of sustainability and recent increased attention paid to issues of ethics and justice in tourism (Bramwell & Lane, 2008; Cohen & Cohen, 2012; Jovicic, 2014). In both cases, it is clear that these are emerging rather than well-established themes in the tourism literature and are still not commonly considered in tourism practice (Jamal, Camargo, & Wilson, 2013; Spindler, 2013).