By Muthuveeran Ramasamy
Muthuveeran Ramasamy indicates that the formal method of vocational schooling and coaching (VET) in rural parts usually ignores the illiterate, the fewer proficient, and the negative. the writer demonstrates that VET courses must be demand-driven and view the socio-economic elements of specific areas. for that reason, the importance of the examine at grassroots point is helping customise VET courses to answer the call for of the members’ vocational education wishes of rural humans by means of conserving their endogenous wishes on the centre of vocational ability improvement tactics. The findings and classes learnt from motion examine also are intensively mentioned as guiding rules of demand-driven methods from the learners’/societal perspectives.
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Many experts of international community in the field of extension, community development organizations, aid-agencies and human resource development practitioners often use “demand-driven” approach and believe that it enhances social inclusion by providing equal access to disadvantaged groups in a society and facilitates education, training and local livelihood (see Chambers 1983; Mkandawire 2001; Rakodi and Lloyd-Jones 2002; Goovaerts et al. 2005). Chipeta (2006) adopted demand-driven approach in agriculture to provide user /farmer driven services and to make the service more “accountable to the intended beneficiaries”.
It is connected with both with the participants’ choice of course and their personal decision influenced by basic human aspirations which are important to recognize and understand those (Maxwell et al. 2000). 2 Setting the Stage 39 Maxwell et al. (2000) studied the factors influencing the choice of course and revealed that “employability” is an important factor influencing the choice of course for the unemployed or underemployed people. In addition to this, it was observed that satisfying personal interests and aspirations of individuals in their field of study were also prominent.
If it is informal training) How long did it take for you to learn those skills? What factors motivated you to learn them? After the training/ acquiring the skills, did you face any difficulty in finding a job? If yes explain the difficulties that you faced If no, where did you get the job? Another important factor is that, vocational training programme in rural areas is regarded as one of the most successful interventions to increase employment opportunities which contributes to the human capital development (Hartl 2009).