By Douglas C. Maynard
Psychological, monetary, and Social Challenges
Douglas C. Maynard and Daniel C. Feldman, Editors
While joblessness is a signature challenge during periods of financial pressure, underemployment —the loss of enough, significant work—affects huge numbers of employees even in the course of relative prosperity. traditionally overshadowed by means of unemployment, the pervasive and critical social challenge of underemployment warrants
better realization from students in numerous disciplines.
Recognizing underemployment as a sequence of comparable phenomena (e.g., fewer hours of labor, terrible pay, jobs for which employees are overqualified), Underemployment: mental, monetary, and Social Challenges is the 1st e-book to supply an in-depth exam of the factors, dynamics, and results of underemployment and the way the matter could be addressed. specialists from administration, economics, psychology, and sociology current their detailed methods to figuring out underemployment by way of thought improvement, empirical findings, and implications for coverage and perform. the various significant issues coated include:
- Effects of underemployment on short-run and long-run earnings
- Underemployment between formative years, ladies, older employees, immigrants, and minorities
- Effects of underemployment on psychological healthiness and actual health
- Impact of underemployment on kin, buddies, and communities
- Measurement and monitoring of underemployment over time
- Effects of underemployment on paintings attitudes and task performance
- Directions for destiny theoretical and empirical study on underemployment
A accomplished examine a so much well timed factor, Underemployment: mental, monetary, and Social Challenges will tell the paintings of researchers, students, managers, and coverage makers facing underemployment concerns for years to come.
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Conventional economic theory posits that an individual’s labor supply depends on the wage rate being offered. ILO guidelines make no reference to wages in determining unemployment status, but it is implicit that the unemployed person is searching for work at the “market wage rate” for that person, an admittedly indeterminate and unverifiable quantity. Underemployment status is likewise typically ascertained without reference to wages, but as with unemployment the implicit premise is that expressed desire and availability for more hours of work is at the worker’s market wage rate.
Again, the same sort of relationship is found in studies analyzing the risk of unemployment. A particularly important covariate is industry, with the risk of underemployment generally found to be higher in service-sector industries. This is usually thought to be a function of the nature of demand for the services produced in these industries, and in particular the concentration of sales at particular times of the day or week, and hence employer requirements for part-time workers is relatively high.
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