By Jürgen M Meisel

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Syntactic categories. - nominal phrases, either utilized as pronouns, or as nouns in combination with the indefinite or definite article (without gender and case), or with adjectives. g. g. in schrank 'in cupboard', see (3d)). - verbal phrases taking the form of simple verbs (gehen 'go') predicative adjectives (schön 'nice'), or prefix verbs (aufmachen 'upmake'(= open)). 2. Basic utterances. It is not only the syntactic categories that are fairly basic but also the ways in which they are combined.

M Callings: Acquisition of German 37 b. ) D Mills (1985), however, referring to findings by Scupin & Scupin (1907; 1910) and Stern & Stern (1907) points out that accusative and nominative might be distinguished before articles are used regularly - through the adequate usage of adjective endings. g. (24)) still seem to be rare. ) (Scupin) In addition, Mills draws attention to some data collected by both of the above authors as well as by Grimm (1973) which suggest that the adjective is marked for accusative case too where the indefinite article still appears in the nominative.

19) a. wo is mathias? ' D b. und warum essen die stroh? ) D Evidently one may conclude that inverting subject and verb in questions is not acquired by a separate rule; it is rather just a special case of the more general rule of fronting the finite verb. This seems to be even more true when one notes that acquiring the verb-second rule and inverting subject and verb in questions happen simultaneously. This conclusion will also be preferred when compared with the approach Wode (1971) takes. The author claims that subject-verb inversion has to be learned separately, first occuring with alternative questions, then also with questions for information; as soon as interrogative pronouns other than wo 'where' show up, "the inversion rule appears to have been fully learned" (Wode, as quoted by Mills 1985:164).

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