By Paul Foster Case

It is a thorough presentatio of the Rosicrucian process of Initiation by means of Dr. Paul Foster Case. He explains that Rosicrucianism relies upon earthly corporations, yet on own unflodment, and obviously describes the targeted marks of a Rosicrucian. The treatise is split into major elements through Dr. Case. the 1st is a cautious exam and interpretation of the primary Rosicrucian maneifestos, the Fama Fraternitatis and the Confessio Fraternitatis. the second one half is an evidence of the Rosicrucian Grade procedure, as utilized to the diagram of the Tree of lifestyles and Tarot attributions. by way of partaking within the defined approaches, aspirants are wear the precise tune of getting ready themselves for union with the better Self, which can or won't contain team paintings with an outer order or fraternity. the 1st versions of 1927, 1928 and 1933 have been of constrained book. THe fourth and so much entire growth of the textual content by means of Paul Case ws accomplished in 1937, revised via him in 1953 earlier than his loss of life , and released in hardcover by way of Weiser in 1985. It represents the whole adulthood of his concept in this topic.

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Example text

William Jennings Bryan and certain Theosophists to the contrary notwithstanding, the New Testament meaning of this word is fermented wine, not unfermented grape juice. " In the Greek original, the word is precisely the same as the one used in recording the miracle of changing water into wine. " In the parable of the new wine in new wineskins, the inner meaning depends on the fact that wine, in the process of fermentation, produces a gas that would burst an old and fragile wineskin. Thus, the word oinos, in its New Testament usage, represents something able to effect a psychological transformation.

The text from which this is quoted shows the Pythagorean Y, or Upsilon, with the alchemical symbol for Sulphur above the left-hand branch of the letter and the symbol for Mercury above the other branch. " Thus, the number of the Pythagorean letter is also the number of the name of the first sign of the zodiac, Krios, or Aries, the ram. Every beginner in astrology knows that the conventional astrological symbol for this sign is exactly the same as the letter Upsilon in the Greek alphabet. This correspondence, moreover, leads to much else, because the Ram, or Aries, is the Lamb of Gnostic Christianity; and we shall find later on that the Hebrew interpretation of this ogdoad of initials gives us a plain intimation that the Founder of the Rosicrucian Order is none other than this same Lamb, and is even named " L a m b by the Hebrew equivalent to one arrangement of his initials.

Ye that are wise eschew such books, and have recourse to us, who seek not your moneys, but offer unto you most willingly our great treasures. We hunt not after your goods with invented lying tinctures, but desire to make you partakers of our goods. We do not reject parables, but invite you to the clear and simple explanation of all secrets; we seek not to be received by you, but call you unto our more than kingly houses and palaces, by no motion of our own, but (lest you be ignorant of it) as forced thereto by the Spirit of God, commanded by the testament of our most excellent Father, and impelled by the occasion of this present time.

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