By Guy Neave (auth.)
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What were the challenges faced by the Prince that drove him to act? What were the apparent obstacles in university autonomy that justified its revision? What was the ‘solution’ the Evaluative State held out? In policy, just as in leadership and strategy, the ability to anticipate and to be borne out by subsequent developments is given only to a few. As the American humorist Mark Twain pointed out more than a century ago, prophesying is a dangerous business (Twain, 1889). It is well then to bear a number of caveats in mind.
Today, autonomy is subject to scrutiny on its own account and more particularly at an institutional level, that is to say, as it applies to the inner workings of institutions, to the distribution of power and authority which current educanto wraps up in the notion of leadership4 , its distribution and location across different organs, levels of responsibility and, with it, the organizational re-assignment of responsibility to different postings or appointments within the institution. It is possible to entertain at least two perspectives on this subject: first, the evolution and general context in which the issue of institutional autonomy arose, which is a dynamic account over time, in short, a subset of the recent and contemporary history of the university up to the present day; and, second, an operational analysis of the changes that brought it about.
To do so serves merely to hide – or, worse still, to regard as of little account – the differences in conditions, perceptions and interests amongst those involved. Such a reductio ad absurdum forges a similarity that is merely nominal, though its use may certainly feed the impression – and often the explanation too – into the same straitjacket. Such voluntary ‘restrictionism’ – the less charitable would call it deliberate self-imposed myopia – is far from being alien to cross-system studies. Indeed, it is, in part, a function of comparison itself.