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2014). Monthly summary of international student enrolment data. pdf Australian Flexible Learning Quick Guide Series. (2002). Brisbane. pdf Australian Government. (2012). Delivery of VET offshore by public providers 2011. au/Australian/Education/News/Reports/Delivery-of-VET-offshore-bypublic-providers---2011 Australian Government. (2013a). Australia – Educating globally. T. Tran and K. Dempsey Australian Government. (2016). New colombo plan. Canberra. , & Park, C. (2017). Policy lender and borrower at once: Korea’s developments in the VET sector and its new pathway to apprenticeship.

2009) and by providing English language programs to respond to international students’ demands (Andrade 2006; Hagedorn and Li 2017, Chap. 13). Our focus is upon the rise of neoliberal policies for and practices of US community colleges following this period of the 1990s. During the 1980s and 1990s, the globalization process shaped and influenced US community colleges (Levin 2001). These institutions comprise the major US postsecondary (or tertiary) education sector that provides pre-baccalaureate degree education and training for adults, although the recent addition of the baccalaureate degree in over 20 states has expanded the curricular focus of the community college (Russell 2010).

Fostering global perspective taking at American colleges and universities. Journal of College and Character, 12(1), 1–4. 1768. , & Waters, J. (2011). Student mobilities, migration and the internationalization of higher education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. , & Ashton, D. (2012). The global auction. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ). (2005). Teaching international students: Improving learning for all. New York: Routledge. Cully, M. (2006). Globalization and technical and vocational education and training in Australia.

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