By Anna Clark

The 'History Wars' have come to dominate dialogue of Australian heritage. This publication examines where of college background in those disputes over the last, and indicates their partisan historic divide is advanced within the faculties enviornment, the place debate has been more and more contested over 'our children', the nation's destiny.

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49 Alan Rowe, ‘Quality and outcome-based education’, Australian Curriculum Studies Association Workshop Report, no. 9 (1994): 1–35. 50 Andrew Roberts, ‘Why our children should learn about Churchill’, Daily Mail, 24 April 1995. 51 John Cantwell, ‘Editorial’, Agora, vol. 31, no. 4 (1996): 2. ind24 24 19/1/06 5:08:40 PM Chapter 1 The politics of history education On the Sunday program on Channel 9 in 2003, Helen Dally produced a story on the debate over Keith Windschuttle’s allegations of an orchestrated campaign by Australian historians of colonial violence that amounted to a ‘fabrication’ of history.

The History Study Design was written with such motives in mind. 64 As such, the new study design tried to incorporate the equity focus of the Blackburn Report as well as quite radical historical concepts such as deconstruction, power, voices, absence, gender, class and race: At any point in Australian history established practices for the organization, control and distribution of power were accompanied by a set of values, beliefs and ideas that tended to legitimise such practices. Social Darwinism and paternalism, for example, were used to legitimise the exclusion of Aboriginal people from political participation.

Wertsch, Voices of Collective Remembering (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002); Ian Buruma, The Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan (London: Vintage, 1995); Laura Hein and Mark Seldon (eds), Censoring History: Citizenship and Memory in Japan, Germany and the United States (New York: M. E. ind21 21 21 19/1/06 5:08:39 PM 15 16 17 18 22 Winter, Sites of Memory, Sites of Mourning: The Great War in European Cultural History (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995); Eric Davis, ‘The museum and the politics of social control in modern Iraq’, in Commemorations: The Politics of National Identity, ed.

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