By Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard, Ildikó Lázár
Initiatives for Democracy – 60 actions to profit and check transversal attitudes, talents and information (TASKs) edited by means of Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard and Ildikó
PPN°4A publication to help lecturers of their efforts to advertise democracy via and in schooling constructed in the Pestalozzi Programme neighborhood of perform. This ebook is intended as a guide for practitioners in formal and non-formal academic settings.
It encompasses a cause for the need to specialize in competences for democracy in all parts of schooling, a proof of what transversal attitudes, abilities and data suggest and why they're vital for and will be taken on board through all schooling professionals.
A record of elements varieties the center of the e-book, describing the center attitudes, talents and data which must be constructed by means of each person that allows you to be capable to reside in and to give a contribution to the improvement and upkeep of democratic societies of their complete variety. a suite of over 50 studying and coaching actions, which support increase a few of the elements, in addition to a few “re-learning” actions can assist practitioners to advertise the advance of those parts of their day by day academic practice.
A photograph presentation of the incorporated record of attitudes, talents and information may be on hand quickly in poster shape (A1).
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1994), Designing group work: strategies for the heterogeneous classroom, Teachers’ College Press, New York. Johnson R. T. and Johnson D. W. (1999), Learning together and alone, Allyn and Bacon, MA. Kagan S. (1992), Co-operative learning, Resources for Teachers, San Clemente, CA. Rogers C. (1995), On becoming a person (A therapist’s view of psychotherapy), Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston/New York. Part One – Principles and pedagogical approaches ► Page 31 Part two Toolbox TASKS FOR DEMOCRACY: CORE COMPONENTS OF COMPETENCES FOR DEMOCRACY Pascale Mompoint-Gaillard How to read the TASKs list The following tool is the result of a three-year process in which 30 education practitioners were involved.
What do you think this activity is for? ► Would you use this in your classroom? How would you adapt it? ► Page 63 PLANNING Preparation Optional: the facilitator can prepare individual worksheets for the activity, for each participant to start with an individual reflection on his/her own attitudes, skills and knowledge. Resources and equipment Task sheet, flip chart paper TASK SHEET Learning to be: Attitudes “Learning to be” refers to the development of attitudes; it includes values, beliefs and emotions on which our behaviour and actions are consciously or unconsciously based.
And have one tracer explain his/her role. PLANNING Preparation Find pictures, photos or cartoons that are related to the topic of the next activity. For example if you are addressing prevention of discrimination, you can download humorous cartoons (many are available online) depicting discrimination. ). TASK SHEET Group-member roles Tracers: the task of the Tracer is to facilitate the group process. S/he has to keep the group hot on the trail, on the given task. For example, s/he makes sure that the work results are summarised to help move on with the task.