By Penny Griffin
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It may be added that many of the clergy especially- are forced reluctantly to send their daughters 15 16 St Hugh's to 'unsectarian' places of instruction' because the Church has done so little for their needs. We are going to try to meet this difficulty by opening next October a small home-like house (under a lady in whom we have the fullest confidence) as the nucleus of what we hope may eventually prove a more important undertaking . . Students will attend the same lectures and go through the same academic course as at the Halls already in existence ...
Walter Lock;" then Sub-Warden of Keble, had been the first tutor to sit on its Council; he was co-opted in 1885 . Annie Rogers'? and Edith Wardale were both AEW tutors, taught St Hugh's students," and were soon to be St Hugh's tutors. They were, therefore, a link between the teaching of students and the government of the Hall. Looking back, one is suprised to see such a link at the very beginning of St Hugh's independence: it is one of the most important differences between a hall of residence and a college, and St Hugh's was barely secure even as a hall of residence.
Lack of degrees and gowns were marks of pioneering, not marks of inferiority. Dorothy Hammonds in later life confessed to being proud of not having a degree because 'they did not then award them to women'. Decorum - symbolised by chaperonage and 'the College hat' - imposed rules which, before 1914 3 \ were not perhaps very different from those of ordinary life, and other rules, for example those for attending lectures in men's colleges, were thought of, and laughed at, as quaint customs rather than unjustified restrictions.