By Chi-Ming Lam, Jae PARK
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Für manche wirft sie ihre Schatten schon lange Zeit voraus, für manche tritt sie erst auf, wenn es ums Ganze geht: Prüfungsangst. Alles Wissen scheint wie weggefegt, plötzlich ist da nur mehr Unruhe bis hin zur Panik.
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Html. Accessed 22 July 2014. Eisner, E. W. (2002). From episteme to phronesis to artistry in the study and improvement of teaching. Teaching and Teacher Education, 18, 375–385. Fiasse, G. (2001). Aristotle’s prudence: A true grasp of ends as well as means? Review of Metaphysics, 55, 323–337. Flyvbjerg, B. (2004). Phronetic planning research: Theoretical and methodological reflections. Planning Theory and Practice, 5(3), 283–306. -G. (1994). Truth and method (trans: Weinsheimer, J. ). New York: Continuum.
Emotional intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ. London: Bloomsbury Publishing Plc. Gordon, D. R. (1998). Ethics, reason, and emotion. In D. R. Gordon & J. ), Criticism and defense of rationality in contemporary philosophy (pp. 55–68). Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi B. V. 2 Fostering Rationality in Asian Education 21 Greene, M. (1984). Philosophy, reason, and literacy. Review of Educational Research, 54(4), 547–559. Hołówka, J. (1998). Precision and doubt in ethics. In D. R. Gordon & J. ), Criticism and defense of rationality in contemporary philosophy (pp.
From a different angle, Dewey suggests that the one who possesses “philosophic disposition” should be an open-minded person, “sensitive to new perception” (Dewey 1944, p. 325). He further elaborates by indicating that she/ he would show interest in “the varied details of the world and of life,” as well as the possibility of their being gathered together “into a single inclusive whole” (Dewey 1944, p. 324). All of the above seem to suggest that philosophy, as an activity, is down to earth a way of life, and its significance, again referring to Wittgenstein, lies in its being closely tied to the problem it addresses (Villa 2009, p.