By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Jennifer Bassett
Sherlock Holmes and the game of Kings – история, из серии Oxford Bookworms Library, адаптированная до уровня 1 (400 слов). Кроме собственно истории книга содержит ряд упражнений, предназначенных для лучшего усвоения материала. К книге прилагается аудио.Серия Oxford Bookworms Library содержит книги, адаптированные к одному из 6 уровней:Уровень 1 – four hundred слов, 2 – seven-hundred, three – one thousand, four – 1400, five – 1800, 6 – 2500.Мне не удалось найти списки слов уровней (может быть потому что недостаточно настойчиво искал?), поэтому я составил частотный словарь слов, использованных в данном тексте, этот словарь вложен в архив с книгой.Вообще то такого рассказа про Шерлока Холмса нет. Есть рассказ ''Silver Blaze'' - который в точности соответствует данному рассказу.См. также: The Elephant guy – адаптированная книга (Oxford Bookworms Library, level 1) + аудио The Phantom of the Opera – адаптированная книга (Oxford Bookworms Library, degree 1) + аудио The Phantom of the Opera – адаптированная книга (Penguin Readers, degree five) + аудио The Coldest position in the world – адаптированная книга (Oxford Bookworms Library, level 1) + аудио
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4 HEIs in the EU in the Context of European Integration Theory The two recent, though not necessarily linked,44 tendencies of commercialisation and internationalisation have not gone unnoticed at the European level, where HEIs did not originally play a role. It was deemed necessary by European leaders to react and attempts have begun to be made to establish European policies on HEIs which will be explored in Chap. 2. However, as will be seen there, the supranational method of integration was largely avoided.
However, from the second half of the 20th century onwards universities 23 The Progressive Era with its high time from 1890 to 1916 was a movement of various interest groups, however, with some major influences from the white US middle classes who, next to the mentioned focus, promoted a broad variety of other issues such as women’s suffrage, restriction of immigration and prohibition. See Link 1959; Sklar 1992, p. 38, Jaycox 2005, preface and introduction. 24 The Wisconsin Idea started in Wisconsin and was originally focussed on the state’s university.
26 seq; Wissema 2009, p. 17 seq, 31 seq, 38 seq. 38 See further Röhrs 1995 p. 106 seq; Connell 2004, p. 17 seq, 21 seq; Cowan et al. 2009, p. 292 seq; Deiaco et al. 2009, p. 330 seq; De Weert 2009, p. 134 seq (who also elaborates on case studies which explore the effects teaching and research have on each other), 140, 146; Neave 2009 pp. 18, 23 seq, 29 seq; Palfreyman and Tapper 2009b p. 203 seq, 210 seq. 41 Yet, as has been seen, it is the traditional mission of the university to conduct such research and there is no other institution which could fill this role.