By Avijit Pathak
At a time of huge commodification of schooling, and the reason of the industry colonizes the area of studying, this publication increases severe questions, pleads for a refelctive pedagogy, and seeks to narrate deeper moral/philosophic concerns at the tradition of studying.
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The third principle is that of instance confirmation, whereby a greater number of instances of an observed event allows a greater degree of belief in the law. DEDUCTION A fairly typical deductive approach has a number of clearly defined steps. A research hypothesis is developed. This comprises the identification of a number of discrete variables, which the hypothesis suggests co-exist in a specified way. The hypothesis is operationalised, so that the relations between the variables and their applications can be construed as observational data and can be measured.
In addition, because Popper accepted that all observations are theory-dependent, then necessarily there is a deductive element in social theorising. Deductivists begin with implicit and explicit theories about the world, which they then proceed to test in and on the world. The precise origin of these theories is left deliberately obscure. However, this testing can never provide absolute proof of the truth of a hypothesis or theory; repeated testing only allows both the rejection of clearly false theories and the development and refinement of others.
It includes traditional qualities such as reliability and validity, and also qualities such as integrity, consistency of argument and consideration of ethical issues. It certainly entails demonstrating a sound background of scholarship, in the sense of familiarity and engagement with relevant literature, both substantive and methodological. Different dimensions of rigour will be important in different types of research but rigour can best be assessed on a case by case basis using whichever dimensions are most appropriate.