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33 In the nearest future, after nomination of the certain supplier, the final package of the documentation concerning this supply will be submitted to the RA. If necessary, possibility will be envisaged concerning certifying and qualifying tests. Stage 3 — This stage is aimed at assessment of how this project provides for system of the assigned functions performing under all the most unfavorable combinations of conditions and loads described in the normative-technical documentation (NTD) in force.
However presented statistics is not correct for determination of fuel burnup influence on fuel pin failure rate, because the average share of tested FA after the first and second year of operation is 30-50%, after the third year of operation -60-80% and after the fourth year of operation -90–100%. ). 000 DNG). Instruction was issued by Russian competent institutes, OKB Gidropress and Russian Research Center "Kurchatov Institute" respectively. In the most of fuel cycles the primary circuit coolant activity was about (1-5)* 10-5 Ci/L iodine.
The valves are qualified for all expected media and for the environmental conditions expected in case of accidents. The control system follows the primary circuit parameters, compares their values with the preliminary set initial values and in case of necessity produces a signal for valves opening and closing correspondingly. The system is multifunctional. The actuation levels of the pressurizer’s main safety valves and the complex of relief - isolation valves are set in such manner, so the last one can serve as a relief control valve.