By Clyde Chitty (auth.)
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Throughout the middle years of the nineteenth century, many people in Britain seemed to be enjoying some sort of “prosperity,” although the country was clearly much divided and there was a huge and taken-forgranted gap between the lifestyle of the rich and that of the very poor. If this created a degree of complacency in the population, it was to be cruelly shattered by the social and economic trends of the century’s final decades. The 1870s triggered a long and heated debate about whether Britain was now entering a period of economic decline.
And Labour’s election manifesto in 1945 listed a number of the key industries that would be nationalized in the event of a Labour victory at the polls—principally coal, iron and steel, the railways, long-distance road transport, civil aviation, gas and electricity, along with the Bank of England—as essential first steps toward the peaceful, democratic creation of a planned socialist economy. The Labour government’s nationalization program was, in fact, successfully implemented between 1946 and 1949; in almost every case, something like a corporate model was introduced: that is to say, internal democratization was kept strictly limited (see Morgan, 1984, pp.
It simply could not survive a combination of mounting inflation, swelling balance of payments deficits, unprecedented currency depreciation, rising unemployment, bitter industrial conflicts, and what seemed to many observers to be ebbing governability. The breakdown of the consensus meant that the 20-year period after 1976—the year when Labour chancellor Denis Healey had to appeal for help from the IMF (International Monetary Fund)—was to be one of genuine political conflict between the two main parties at Westminster.