By Torsten Husen, Susan Opper, Wenner-Grenska Samfundet
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Example text
1) The principle of the part-whole-relationship in language and culture. That means, that already on the level of a sign the phenomenological ideas of Edmund Husserl offer a practicable model: the Signum is a whole and a signans and signatum are the parts which have to be analysed in their relation to the whole sign. But the sign itself is part of another whole (Jakobson 1963). Linguists have very often analysed only isolated parts and have forgotten that an artificial separation of parts from their wholes, which may be justified in an experiment, does not set them free to analyse the parts in relation to the wholes, if they want to explain how something functions.
Mannerisms of Speech and Gesture. New York. A. (1966). Language maintenance and language shift as a field of inquiry. In: Language Loyality in the United States, ed. A. Fishman, Mouton, The 34 E. Oksaar Hague, 424-454. R. (1980). Nations Without a State: Ethnie Minorities in Western Europe, Praeger, New York. W. (1965). Foreword. In: Psycholinguistics. A survey of theory and research problems, ed. E. A. Sebeok, Indiana University Press, Bloomington. Giles, H. ) (1977). Language, Ethnicity and Intergroup Relations, Academic Press, London.
1979b). Zur Analyse der kommunikativen Akte. In: Sprache als reales System, ed. T. Lewandowski (Wirkendes Wort 29,6), Schwann, Düsseldorf, 391-404. Oksaar, E, (1980a). Mehrsprachigkeit, Sprachkontakt, Sprachkonflikt. In: Sprachkontakt und Sprachkonflikt, ed. H. Neide, Steiner, Wiesbaden, 43-52. Oksaar, E. (1980b). Sprachbarrieren. In: Die Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts, Vol. XI, Konsequenzen für die Pädagogik, ed. W. Spiel, Kindler, Zürich, 482-500. Oksaar, E. (1980c). Int. Rev. Applied Psych.