By Rolv Petter Amdam
Globally strategies are extraordinary approximately smooth administration schooling. first of all, administration schooling is altering quickly to fulfill new demanding situations from company and governments and to enhance competitiveness. Secondly, administration schooling has develop into one of many quickest becoming components in greater education.
Management schooling and Competitiveness presents a large evaluation, together with experiences via students in 9 nations in Europe, Japan and the U.S.. It examines how nations have built various nationwide classes regardless of robust impact from the yank procedure of administration schooling. It additionally examines the hyperlinks among schooling and company. This number of essays should be helpful to managers and execs in academic examine and company management.
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Sample text
1986) Ikke bare maskiner: Historien om IBM i Norge 193~1985, Stavanger: Universitetsforlaget. P. 0992) 'The War of Degrees in European Management Education', EFMD Forum 1, 21-4. A. 0956) 'Utdannelse av bedriftsledere: Rapport fra de norske deltakerne i en studietur til USA', Bedriftsekonomen 6. NOS Utdanningsstatistikk (Educational statistics, several years). NPI 0963) Norsk Produktivitetsinstitutt gjennom de ferste ti ar, Oslo: Norsk Produktivitetsinstitutt. E. 0990) The Competitive Advantage of Nations, London: Macmillan.
This approach- mainly deductive- was very different from the 'case method'- basically inductive- which progressively became the dominant pattern of American business education. 39 G. GEMELLI European differences The theory of the firm was a basic ingredient in the genealogy of both economia aziendale in Italy, at Bocconi University, and Betriebswirtscbaftslehre in Germany.
Between 1980 and 1986 the number of new students entering the school increased from 1,000 to 6,000; and in 1986 more than 12,000 applications were received, representing over 50 per cent of all Norwegian secondary school leavers in that year with the equivalent of A-levels (Amdam and Mordt 1992). 10 In the public sector, the regional polytechnics, which were set up during the 1970s, accomplished much with their two-year undergraduate programme in business administration (Amdam and Mordt 1992). 11 This expansion in the number of students at Norwegian business schools was followed by an increase in the numbers of Norwegian students who went to foreign business schools - from 950 in 1980 to 2,400 in 1990 (Rasmussen and Wold 1992).