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Improved mentoring, however, will not be sufficient to reach the goal of opening up the system to new scrutiny from and engagement with junior colleagues who may have alternative ways to lead a career and/or do scholarship. 26 For example, departments are unlikely to figure out ways to support junior faculty doing interdisciplinary work or scholarship in collaboration with practitioners if UN I V E R SI T I E S AND DE MOC R AT IC C U LT U R E 31 the “received wisdom” of senior faculty prevails: those junior faculty who become “overly” involved in complicated interdisciplinary or activist scholarship jeopardize their quest for tenure.

C. Thompson, T. G. Brett, and C. Behling, “Educating for Social Justice: The Program on Intergroup Relations, Conflict, and Community at the University of Michigan,” in Intergroup Dialogue: Deliberative Democracy in School, College, Community, and Workplace, ed. David Louis Schoem and Sylvia Hurtado (Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 2001), pp. 99–114. David Horowitz, “In Defense of Intellectual Diversity,” The Chronicle Review, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 13, 2004. Personal communication with Gretchen E.

S. Supreme Court. His scholarship deals with the poverty and inequality in the American welfare state. 42 JE F F R E Y S . ” I have been thinking about questions such as these for many years, and I believe the answer is clear. Whenever we employ affirmative action, we are using a very dangerous tool. Think, if you will, of a very sharp knife. Or a caustic chemical. Or perhaps a technology like recombinant genetics. Think of any tool that could, in the wrong hands, cause enormous harm to innocent people.

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