By Robert V. Levine, Aroldo Rodrigues, Lynnette Zelezny
This volumeconsists of non-public narrative debts of the profession trips of a few of the world'smost eminent social psychologists. Eachcontributing psychologist is an esteemed pupil, an outstanding author, andhas a storyto inform. jointly, the contributions hide a time variety from Morton Deutsch to this present day, and comment on almost each vital move and individual within the heritage of educational social psychology.
This e-book offers a desirable perception into the advance of exceptional educational careers and should be a resource of concept to pro researchers and starting scholars alike, within the fields ofsocial psychology, background of psychology, and past.
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John was never my principal advisor, but, in classes and research meetings, I was impressed with the breadth of his knowledge, which he mined to provide uncommon but instructive starting points for a program of inquiry. ” John might begin by asking what any of the great novelists of our time had said about this. ” So we’d move from a consideration of Henry James to William James. After we had talked for a while about the philosophical underpinnings of the issue, he’d press us to think about what the perspectives of our sister disciplines in the social sciences—sociology, political science, anthropology—could add to our understanding.
2001). Re-examining the general positivity model of subjective well-being: The discrepancy between specific and global domain satisfaction. Journal of Personality, 69, 641–666. , & Seidlitz, L. (1993). Subjective well-being: The convergence and stability of self-report and non-self-report measures. Journal of Personality, 61, 317–342. , & Oishi, S. (2002). Life-satisfaction is a momentary judgment and a stable personality characteristic: The use of chronically accessible and stable sources. Journal of Personality, 70, 345–384.
I was still inexperienced enough that, on one particular day, I got the timing wrong, and the bell rang ending the class session before I’d revealed the solution to a puzzle I’d posed earlier. Normally, 5 to 10 minutes before the scheduled end time, some students start preparing to leave. We all know the signals—pencils are put away, notebooks folded, backpacks zipped. But in this instance, not only were there no such preparations, after the bell rang, no one moved. In fact, when I tried to end the lecture there, I was pelted with protests.