By Brad Steiger, Sherry Hansen Steiger

Ebook by way of Steiger, Brad

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Spiritists, clergymen, reporters, and curiosity seekers had waged a ceaseless campaign to The Gale Encyclopedia of urge the witch to talk and declare herself and her intentions. At last their efforts were rewarded. At first the voice was only a whistling kind of indistinct babble, then it became bolder—a husky whisper speaking from darkened corners. At last, it became a full-toned voice that spoke not only in darkness but also in lighted rooms and, finally, during the day as well as the night. Immediately the charge of ventriloquism was heard from the skeptical.

5. Projections that occur during acute illness. 6. Projections that occur during near-death experiences (NDEs), wherein the subject The Gale Encyclopedia of is revived and returned to life through heart massage or other medical means. 7. Projections that occur at the moment of physical death when the deceased subject appears to a living percipient with whom he or she has had a close emotional link. In addition to these spontaneous, involuntary experiences, there also seem to be those voluntary and conscious projections during which the subjects deliberately endeavor to free their spirit, their soul, from their physical body.

New York: New American Library, 1968. Sitwell, Sacheverell. Poltergeists. New York: University Books, 1959. Stevens, William Oliver. Unbidden Guests. , 1957. Tyrell, G. N. M. Apparitions. New York: Collier Books, 1963. The Gale Encyclopedia of According to most accounts, the disturbances began one night in 1817 with mysterious rappings on the windows of the Bells’ cabin near Clarksville, Tennessee. Twelve-year-old Elizabeth “Betsy” Bell began to complain of an invisible rat gnawing on her bedpost at night, and the entire family, including the parents, John and Luce, experienced the midnight confusion of having their covers pulled off their beds.

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