By Denise Summers, Roger Cutting (eds.)

This ebook will permit lecturers and bosses within the post-compulsory zone to think about various techniques to embed schooling for Sustainable improvement (ESD) of their perform within the post-compulsory region. there'll be the chance to contemplate key debates, important hyperlinks and prompt examining to inspire extra research and improvement of perform. essentially, this publication goals to empower academics to significantly examine ESD via their very own topic specialisms, interact within the debate and research with their scholars. Democratic and participative ways brought can help readers to question conventional transmissive kinds of instructing and studying and circulation directly to the unconventional and transformative techniques required to embody ESD. for that reason this e-book, while together with illustrative examples, will motivate the reader to examine their very own topic specialisms, perform, pursuits and people in their scholars to co-construct a curriculum that embeds ESD.

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2: Consider the team you work with—is co-operative inquiry an approach you could use to develop yourselves, your practice and your curriculum? How would you encourage this and what would be your first steps? BECOMING A SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY OF PRACTICE A workshop on the co-operative inquiry process following our initial meeting helped us get started. Time is always a concern when taking on any new initiative, and Chris found the workshop: helped me to focus on the possibilities of our project and the worthwhile nature of keeping up with the reflections.

7: (continued) • Provide space to think and discuss; • Allow the agenda to emerge, at their pace, you’ll be surprised how much happens; • Take on board that everyone has a different starting point on the journey to sustainability, a different vision and different values. Try to find something you have in common and start a dialogue; • Keep going, small steps, stay enthusiastic, it’s worth it, engage in mild conversations, challenge mildly and imperceptibly, give good examples of everything, make it fun, create a broad but not exclusive community, listen to all; • Avoid ‘preaching’ as it turns people off the agenda; • Allow tutors time to meet and discuss their specific area and how SD fits into their own curriculum.

150–164). Pennsylvania, PA: IGI Publishing. Summers, D. (2010). Embedding education for sustainable development in initial teacher training in the lifelong learning sector. Teaching in Lifelong Learning, 2(1), 35–46. , & Turner, R. (2011). Outside the green box—embedding education for sustainable development through the use of co-operative inquiry. Educational Action Research, 19(4), 453–468. Summers, D. (2013). Education for sustainable development in initial teacher education: From compliance to commitment—sowing the seeds of change.

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