By Tony; Heaton, Tim; Brown, Anne Lawson
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Prüfungen meistern - Ängste überwinden: Das Erfolgsprogramm in zehn Schritten
Für manche wirft sie ihre Schatten schon lange Zeit voraus, für manche tritt sie erst auf, wenn es ums Ganze geht: Prüfungsangst. Alles Wissen scheint wie weggefegt, plötzlich ist da nur mehr Unruhe bis hin zur Panik.
Was ist Prüfungsangst und was once sind ihre tieferen Ursachen? Hans Morschitzky erklärt die unterschiedlichen Formen dieses weit verbreiteten Phänomens. Bleibt die Angst unbehandelt, kann sie zum Auslöser von chronischen psychischen Leiden werden.
In diesem Übungsprogramm lernen Betroffene, ihre negativen Denkmuster zu erkennen, internal Blockaden zu lösen, bessere Arbeits- und Lernstrategien zu entwickeln sowie neue Entspannungstechniken anzuwenden. Ein mentales education bietet praktische Hilfe zur optimalen Vorbereitung - so lassen sich Leistungen souveräner abrufen und Prüfungen ohne Angst bestehen.
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Sample text
7. The 1979 Conservative Party manifesto talked about ... in order to .... 8. What is the Assisted Places Scheme? 9. Identify two implications, positive and/or negative, of a 'voucher scheme' of schooling. 10. Two 'educational objectives of the victorious politicians of 1987' were .... 11. The introduction of national testing under a national curriculum was/is seen as desirable because .... 12. With reference to the information in Table 2 of Item C and elsewhere, assess the extent to which educational reforms in Britain over the last 55 years have created a meritocratic society.
Maguire, 'Training for a Living? The 1990's Youth Labour Market', Sociology Review, vol. 3, no. 1 (1993). Arguments for YT Arguments against YT 1. You get paid a wage or allowance while you learn. 1. YT is a way of disguising the 'true' rate of youth unemployment. 2. You can gain vocational qualifications whilst working. 2. YT lacks status and many school leavers feel stigmatised by joining a YT programme. 2. Try to contact two people who have undertaken or are currently undertaking a YT programme.
Unlike the situation elsewhere in Europe - and particularly in West Germany, where the realschule or technical school has always been a powerful rival to the gymnasium or grammar school - the technical school never developed as a viable option in this country. Priority was given in the postwar years to the speedy establishment of a new system of secondary modem schools; and the majority of local authorities were singularly reluctant to divert scant resources Changes in Educational Policy and Systems 45 to the development of secondary technical education.