By David W. Kritt (Ed.), Lucien T. Winegar (Ed.)

There are many courses approximately schooling and know-how. what's lacking is a balanced appraisal of the values and cognitive abilities know-how promotes and people it devalues. this is often very important for schooling as the approach we educate impacts how little ones imagine, and it's of extra normal significance for the evolution of society. If we wait till those factor are definitively resolved and feature visible societal results, it's going to unavoidably be too overdue. for that reason the necessity for educated debate now.

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Instead, they have been coerced into compliance by politicians and school boards, convinced that technological immersion is essential to preparing students for jobs, bombarded with aggressively promoted products, and constantly threatened with the prospect of not keeping up with the latest available tools. At least some of the clamoring for the introduction of educational technology is attributable to plain old salesmanship. But education is not a business like any other. Different scales of economy adhere.

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