By Orlando Albornoz

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This has been reported in detail elsewhere and there is no point in reconstructing this process, but it should be mentioned that the main educational reform during that period was directed toward basic and secondary education and to adopting the general framework of a socialist regime. 41 What is fascinating about the Chilean case is that the struggle for the control of the educational system became a real political issue. The fall of Allende's regime was at least in part the consequence of a conflict between the traditional values of Chilean society and those of the popular governments, who tried to change the ideological basis of that system out of what they viewed as the political imperative of controlling the private sectors of the educational system: a contlict, in other words, between the liberal point of view on education - educational pluralism - and the strong interest of the popular government in an educational system entirely controlled by the state.

The C6rdoba movement was a movement devoted at the same time to changing society and to changing the university, and it took place in a very conservative provincial city in Argentina. The core of the movement was to break down the privileges of the upper classes, which stood between the university and the rising expectations of the children of other social origins, particularly the new middle classes fonned in that country at the beginning of the century. In educational terms, what we know as the Latin American university was defined by the documents of the reform: defending the autonomoy of the university from governmental intervention; choosing the authorities of the universities in open elections; election of faculty via a competitive contest; the freedom of the students to attend the university at will; free tuition and financial assistance for students who could not afford the expense of attending the university; strengthening the relationship between the university and society, particularly using the intellectual capabilities of the university to fulfil the needs of the people; and, finally, what the documents termed 'Latin American unity in the struggle against dictatorship and imperialism'.

Pinochet's government appointed active members of tbe Army as rectors in every public university. 'Agents and infonners were present at all lectures. People's academic and personal reputations were questioned and slurred. Dissent was equated witb subversion and tbus terrorism, criticism of any kind was dangerous. 42 The university could not remain immune to tbe Army's ideological commitment to tbe market economy. Nor was tbis commitment confined to the Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean 43 Army: a number of Chileans wanted the university kept free from 'political activism'; these were in turn joined by the civilian free marketeers.

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