By Ram Kumar Mishra and Shital Jhunjhunwala (Auth.)
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3,5,6,8À14], and authors’ own research. There are, however, great disparities among European countries. 3). Even in 1998, 16% [15] of UK directors were foreigners, a figure that has risen steadily to 23% [15] in 2001, to 28% in 2004 [16], to the current level of 40% [17]. Of total Canadian directorships, international directors make up about one-fifth (22%) [13], resulting in an average of two international directors per board. In India only 7% of directors are from other countries. This could be because several Indian directors have international education or experience.
The rest of 54 Diversity and the Effective Corporate Board Canada Middle East and Africa 1% Australia/ NewZealand 2% North America 75% Asia 5 % Europe 7% South America 3% America 78% m 7% do d ite Un g Kin Fig. 4. 2. Ties Force Internationalization Indian Company Foreign Company Country Bharti Airtel Ltd Singtel Singapore Tata Motors Ltd Land Rover Germany Hero Honda Motors Ltd Honda Japan Maruti Suzuki Ltd Suzuki Japan Tata Steel Ltd Corus UK 45 46 45 43 36 36 35 30 35 38 34 % Women 2011 2010 34 34 30 29 % Men 2009 2008 2007 Fig.
Thomsen, Corporate governance as a source of competitiveness for Nordic firms, March 2009. [20] Hedrick & Struggles. Russia & CIS Board Insight, “Independent Foreigners” on the Board of Directors of a Russian Company, Importance of a successful overseas IPO. [21] Third Bi-annual European PWN BoardWomen Monitor 2008, European Professional Women’s Network. [22] Mijntje Lückerath-Rovers inaugurele rede, The Dutch Female Board Index 2011, Nyenrode Business University (Erasmus University Rotterdam).