By Timmen L. Cermak

A consultant for execs who paintings with chemical dependents, their spouses and kids. With such a lot of definitions of co-dependence ,it might be demanding to inform that is such a lot legitimate. In diagnosing and treating co-dependence, timmen cermak not just offers transparent diagnostic standards that correspond without delay with authorised psychiatric/psychological strategies but in addition describes methods of treating co-dependence that reach a ways past present techniques.

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Sample text

Constriction of emotions (with or without dramatic outbursts) 3. Depression 4. Hypervigilance 5. Compulsions 6. Anxiety 7. Substance abuse 8. Has been (or is) the victim of recurrent physical or sexual abuse 9. Stress-related medical illnesses 10. Has remained in a primary relationship with an active substance abuser for at least two years without seeking outside help. Page 12 Criterion A: Continued investment of self-esteem in the ability to control oneself and others in the face of serious adverse consequences.

Viewed in this light, co-dependence becomes a highly sophisticated psychological concept deserving of further consideration. Co-Dependence as a Disease Entity For the purposes of clinical assessment of individual clients, co-dependence can best be seen as a disease entity. CD therapists speak of family members as being affected by co-dependence, or as being actively co-dependent. Such assessments imply that a consistent pattern of traits and behaviors is recognizable across individuals, and that these traits and behaviors can create significant dysfunction.

But Narcissus turned away from her outstretched arms in disgust. "I will die before I give you power over me," he declared. " After Narcissus had left, Echo felt deeply ashamed. She crept into a cave and could not be comforted. Gradually she pined away with longing, her bones turning to stone and only her voice living on. Yet she continued to love Narcissus. Then came the day when he bent over a clear pool for a drink and saw his own face. From that moment he was trapped, staring longingly at his reflection and burning with love.

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