By Milovan DJILAS
This can be a e-book on Communism by way of a guy who was once one in every of its heroes. one of many maximum political files of our time--perhaps crucial in its strength and effectiveness--this explosive indictment might be considered as political dynamite in any Communist zone or any state the place Communism poses a danger to society and actual growth. frequently utilizing the dialectical approach a lot part of Communist considering, Djilas provides his irrefutable argument proving why Communism constructed how it did, and why it can't, lower than any conditions, achieve any of its socialist ambitions; why, to the contrary, it can't break out its personal contradictions among Utopian concept and harsh truth, among a theoretical staff paradise and the particular slave state--where the ruling classification devours itself whereas preserving down the hundreds in abject fabric and highbrow poverty. finally, what this booklet presents isn't just a denunciation of Communism, yet stirring facts of the truth that a person with highbrow honesty and private integrity needs to draw back from it.
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Of establisћing tota1itaтian сопtтоl, or ideological нnity, may Ье less seveтe tћап Stalin's, Ьнt tће esseпce is alvvays tће same. Еvеп 1vћете indшtтializatioп is поt tће form or con- tbls is Тће metl:юd 78 ТНЕ NEW CLASS dition for estaЫishing totalitarian coпtrol, as in Czechoslovakia and Hungary, tlle Communist bureaucracy is iпevitaЬly compelled to estaЬlish the same fom1s of authority in underdeveloped countt·ies as those estaЬlished in the Soviet Union. Tbls does not occur simply because tlle Soviet Unioп imposed such forms оп tllese countries as subordiпates, but because it is 1vithin the very пature of Commuпist parties themselves апd of their ideologies to do so.
Ght, for if it did, it would по loпger Ье totalitariaп апd moпopolistic. . No bureaucracy аlопе could Ье so stubborn ш Its p~r poses апd aims. Опlу those eпgaged iп пе\V forms of o\Vllership, 1vho tread the road to пе\V fоппs of productioп, are сараЬlе of beiпg so persisteпt. :Маrх foresaw tћat after its victory the proletariat would Ье exposed to daпger from the deposed classes ат1d froш its own bureaucracy. vVheп tl1e Commuпists, especially those in Yugo· slavia, criticize Staliп's administт-ation апd bш·eaucratic methods, they geпerally refer to 1vhat :Матх aпticipated.
For Staliп 1vas the lawful although 1vicked offspriпg of Lenin апd the revolutioн. History has по previoпs record of а personality like Lenin 52 ТНЕ NEfV CLASS who, Ьу his versatility and persistence, developed one of tће gr·eatest revolutions kno1vn to men. It also ћаs no record of а personality like Stalin, 1vho took on tће enormous task of streнgtћeнing, in terms of po1ver and property, а ne1v class born out of one of the greatest revolutions in one of the largest of the world's countries. Behind Leniп, wћо 1vas all passion апd tlюught, stands the dull, gray figure of Joseph Stalin, tће symbol of the difficult, cruel, and unscrupulous asceпt of the ne1v class to its final po1ver.