By Berachyahu Lifshitz

Quantity 17 of The Jewish legislation Annual provides to the starting to be checklist of articles on Jewish legislation which were released in volumes 1-16 of this sequence, delivering English-speaking readers with scholarly articles providing jurisprudential, historic, textual and comparative research of matters in Jewish legislation. the quantity comprises seven articles assorted of their scope and concentration. articles are dedicated to the halakhic considered Rabbi A. I Kook; deal with vintage criminal questions: breach of a promise to marry, and the felony capability of minors; study features of the judicial method, one exploring talmudic analyses of the biblical requirement that courts be demonstrated in each city, and the opposite, post-talmudic perspectives on judicial authority in circumstances suspected of fraudulent claims. one other article addresses the interesting query of the epistemic-pedagogic worldviews of the rival Tannaitic felony teachers, the home of Hillel and the home of Shammai. the quantity concludes with a piece on Israeli laws that adduces or is educated via Jewish legislations, and experiences of a much-discussed fresh e-book on a subject of substantial modern curiosity: the agunah challenge.

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THE NUMBER OF JUDGES IN ANCIENT ISRAEL 41 twenty-three member Sanhedrin, but with the proviso that the establishment of a Sanhedrin is obligatory only in a “gate” that meets the conditions necessary for it to function. This would imply, however, that every town that merits having a Sanhedrin is obligated to establish a Sanhedrin; and this, as we pointed out, is incompatible with the way R. Judah’s statement is formulated — “. . ’ Since R. Judah makes no mention of any obligation, and uses language that does not imply any obligation, it is clear that R.

V. raa, n. 2, where most of the above sources are cited. THE NUMBER OF JUDGES IN ANCIENT ISRAEL 41 twenty-three member Sanhedrin, but with the proviso that the establishment of a Sanhedrin is obligatory only in a “gate” that meets the conditions necessary for it to function. This would imply, however, that every town that merits having a Sanhedrin is obligated to establish a Sanhedrin; and this, as we pointed out, is incompatible with the way R. Judah’s statement is formulated — “. . ’ Since R.

92) and XXII, 2 (p. 99). Chiefs of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens are also mentioned in explicitly military contexts in LVII, 4–5 (p. 256) and LVIII, 4 (p. 260). There are similar references in The Scroll of the War of the Sons of Light against the Sons of Darkness IV, 1, 4 (Y. Yadin [London: 1962], 272, 274), here too the context is non-judicial. ”11 This source combines the Deuteronomic directive (“judges and officials . . in all your tribes”) with Exodus’ “chiefs of tens” and so on.

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