By Joseph Harrison
Maybe greater than the other eu kingdom, Spain has gone through a notable transformation within the post-war interval. To the shock of many, it has succeeded in making the bounce from a predominantly agricultural and politically repressed nation, to a contemporary ecu democracy with a different economic climate containing very important production and repair sectors. but, although firstly of the twenty-first century Spain is the world's 8th greatest economic climate, previous stereotypes that see the Iberian state as an rigid, unchanging society, persist. As such, students will welcome this new learn which demanding situations the picaresque and outmoded notions of Spanish monetary improvement, changing it with an image of fast and profound modernization. construction upon the hot paintings of historians and economists, the authors offer a considerate and compelling evaluation of the topic that in actual fact elucidates either the optimistic and dangers of recent Spanish improvement. therefore, in addition to charting the undoubted successes completed, chronic difficulties - so much significantly excessive unemployment - also are explored. Written in a simple and fascinating demeanour, this booklet engages with learn from a large choice of disciplines, and may be of curiosity to a person with a particular curiosity in smooth Spain, or a much broader curiosity in monetary improvement in the framework of the eu Union.
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Including family dependants, the true figure is probably closer to one million. A detailed study of Ródenas’s figures demonstrates that emigration to Western Europe closely replicated fluctuations in the international trade cycle. 5 indicates, the number of Spaniards leaving for Western Europe reached almost 200,000 in the boom of 1964–65, falling to 47,000 during the 1967 recession. Between 1968 and 1973, as economic growth reappeared in the major European economies, the upward trend resumed (Ródenas 1994, 83–89).
Pérez Moreda, ‘Población y economía en la España de los siglos XIX y XX’, in G. ), Historia económica de España: siglos XIX y XX (Barcelona: Galaxia Gutenberg, 1999), p. 44; Instituto Nacional de Estadística. 32 SPAIN: A MODERN EUROPEAN ECONOMY experienced south of the Pyrenees (Echeverri Dávila 1993). Second, Spain’s bloody Civil War of 1936–39 brought a further reversal of the downward trend in death rates. According to the calculations of Juan Díez Nicolás (1985), the conflict led to 558,000 deaths, directly or indirectly attributable to a combination of factors including warfare, hunger, malnutrition, poor living conditions and post-war repression.
2). 24 * Number of children per woman. Sources: R. Nicolau, ‘La población’, in A. ), Estadísticas históricas de España: siglos XIX–XX (Madrid: Fundación Banco Exterior, 1989), p. 54; F. Gil Alonso and A. Cabré, ‘El crecimiento de la población española y sus determinantes’, in R. ), Dinámica de la población en España: cambios demográficos en el último cuarto del siglo XX (Madrid: Síntesis, 1997), p. A. P. Kohler, ‘¿Está cayendo realmente la fecundidad española? Separación de los efectos intensidad, calendario y varianza en el Índice Sintético de Fecundidad’, REIS (Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas, 96 (2001), p.