By C. T. Horovitz
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The radionuclide 46 Sc in the ocean water, at Coos Bay, Oregon, was 30 SCANDIUM measured to be 15-3 dpm in particulate matter and 4-8 dpm in soluble particulate. At a depth of 100 ft the radionuclide 46 Sc was measured and found to be 5*6 dpm in particulate matter and 4-8 dpm in soluble matter. y 1966). The radionuclide 46 Sc measured in ocean waters collected about 10 miles offshore from Coos Bay, Oregon, as well as higher radioactivities were determined. These radionuclides, mainly neutron activation products, are formed in the cooling waters of the Hanford reactors and are released into the Columbia River, which transports them to the ocean (Perkins et aly 1966).
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