By Alexander K. Hartmann, Heiko Rieger

In an extension instead of replace of Optimization Algorithms in Physics, regularly ecu physicists pattern new optimization algorithms which were devised by means of physicists from numerous fields, occasionally in line with equipment built through computing device scientists and mathematicians. additionally they show the scope and potency of the algorithms through describing regular occasions in physics the place they're worthwhile, overlaying functions in physics, part transitions in combinatorial optimization difficulties, and new heuristics and interdisciplinary purposes. The pedagogical technique is acceptable for novices and undergraduate scholars in computational physics.

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The way out here is to extrapolate. Assume that you have measured the failure rate on spin glasses having up to N = 100 spins; then guess an appropriate law for the N dependence of this failure rate and apply this law to all N . If the law works well for N ≤ 100, it is “reasonable” to perform this extrapolation. Second, suppose instead that you have no exact algorithm, or that the one you have allows you only to go up to N = 30 spins; then extrapolating to N = 1000 seems a bit dangerous. We thus seek a self-consistent test of the heuristic algorithm on its own.

Rev. Lett. 62, 361 (1989). 3 Probing Spin Glasses with Heuristic Optimization Algorithms Olivier C. Martin Finding the ground state of an Ising spin glass corresponds to determining the maximum cut in a graph, a prominent problem in combinatorial optimization. Understanding the physical properties of this kind of system is a long-standing challenge, and developing better groundstate solvers should have a large impact. After providing a general introduction to spin glasses, we cover some heuristic algorithms that allow one to tackle these systems.

4 Outlook If spin glasses are so controversial, it is largely because finite-size effects in these systems are not well understood. , N → ∞ and to have researchers in the field reach a concensus. In many standard models, the large-N scaling arises rather early, that is once N 1. In spin glasses though, this does not happen, and corrections to the leading scaling behavior seem to be controlled by small exponents. This means that algorithmic improvements have to be important, allowing us to go to significantly further in N .

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