By Simon Biggs, Terence Cosgrove, Peter Dowding

This ebook bargains a precis of the occupation of Brian Vincent and an autobiographical precis of his influence at the box. many of the subject matters lined comprise: The Adsorption of Small, unfavorable debris onto huge optimistic debris; Polymer Chemistry, Hypervelocity Physics and the CASSINI house undertaking; The BV Droplets Downunder: From version Emulsions to Drug supply; Polymers and Surfactants at Interfaces; managed unencumber as Desorption from Porous Polymeric platforms; Characterisation and alertness of Colloidal Micorogels; floor amendment. Brian Vincent is a regarded professional within the box, and may have a selected attract colloid scientists either in academia and undefined.

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Vincent, J. Chem. , Chem. , 1988, 1189–1190. 37. G. M. Obey and B. , 1990, 51, 239–254. 38. G. Overbeek, in Colloid Science, ed. R. Kruyt, Elsevier, 1952, p. 209. 39. C. Cooper and B. Vincent, J. , 1989, 132, 592–594. 40. C. Cooper and B. Vincent, J. Phys. D: App. , 1989, 22, 1580–1585. 41. B. Vincent and J. Waterson, J. Chem. , Chem. , 1990, 683–684. 42. W. Goodwin, G. Markham and B. Vincent, J. Phys. Chem. B, 1997, 101, 1961–1967. 43. C. Barker and B. , 1984, 8, 289–296. 44. C. Barker and B. , 1984, 8, 297–314.

1, to the early work I did at ICI on pigment particle aggregation in drying paint films, where, as the solvent evaporates, the concentration of free polymer in the continuous phase increases. 10 We showed that the dispersions were stable in pure water and in pure PEO, but weakly and reversibly flocculated over a certain range of PEO concentrations in water, that range being dependent on the PEO molecular weight. g. Vrij160 in 1976, de Gennes and co-workers161 in 1979 (using a scaling theory approach), Feigin and Napper162 in 1980 (who coined the term ‘‘depletion’’ interaction) and Sperry163 in 1981.

R. Dunleavey-Routh and B. Vincent, J. , 2007, 309, 119–125. 185. B. A. F. Tadros, Faraday Discuss. Chem. , 1978, 74, 337–347. 186. B. F. A. Waite, J. , 1980, 73, 508–521. 187. W. van Megen, I. Snook and B. Vincent, J. , 1983, 92, 262–264. 188. S. W. Thompson and B. , 1992, 62, 163–176. 189. B. Vincent, M. F. F. Tadros, J. Chem. , Faraday Trans. 1, 1980, 76, 674–683. 190. F. Luckham, B. A. F. , 1980, 1, 281–293. 191. F. Luckham, J. F. Tadros and B. , 1983, 6, 83–95. 192. F. F. Tadros and B. , 1983, 6, 101–118.

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