By Jeffrey D Ullman

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That output is distributed to the Join tasks and becomes their input for the next round. Alternatively, each task can wait until it has produced enough output to justify transmitting its output files to their destination, even if the task has not consumed all its input. 6 it is not essential to have two kinds of tasks. Rather, Join tasks could eliminate duplicates as they are received, since they must store their previously received inputs anyway. However, this arrangement has an advantage when we must recover from a task failure.

If these two components agree, then produce a tuple for the result, with schema (U 1, U 2, U 3). This tuple consists of the first component of t1, the second component of t1 (which must equal the first component of t2), and the second component of t2. We may not want the entire path of length two, but only want the pairs (u, w) of URL’s such that there is at least one path from u to w of length two. If so, we can project out the middle components by computing πU1,U3 (L1 ⊲⊳ L2). 5 : Imagine that a social-networking site has a relation 4 Some descriptions of relational algebra do not include these operations, and indeed they were not part of the original definition of this algebra.

Rather a Map task can produce several key-value pairs with the same key, even from the same element. 1 : We shall illustrate a map-reduce computation with what has become the standard example application: counting the number of occurrences for each word in a collection of documents. In this example, the input file is a repository of documents, and each document is an element. The Map function for this example uses keys that are of type String (the words) and values that 24 CHAPTER 2. LARGE-SCALE FILE SYSTEMS AND MAP-REDUCE are integers.

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