By Elena Cotos (auth.)
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Halliday (1989a) explicates that familiarity with different genres is crucial for L2 writers, and that such familiarity does not develop automatically. He advises that learners need to be exposed to genres. For L2 writers, who in general face different language challenges, being initially exposed to genres from the linguistic perspective appears to be most plausible, for this approach has an integrative potential to 34 Genre-Based AWE for L2 Research Writing inculcate the specific demands of the discourse community to novice research writers through a focus on language use in socially recognized ways.
Hyland (2003a) clarifies that the guiding principle is placing ‘an explicit focus on the ways texts are organized and the language choices that users must make to achieve their purposes in particular contexts’, and that beginning to learn about genre by doing text analysis allows learners to develop useful writing strategies (p. 75). The Sydney School of genre analysis views texts as being determined by the social context (Martin, 1999) and genres as ‘staged goal-oriented social processes’ (Martin, 1993, p.
115), and many have put forth convincing arguments addressing the rhetoricians’ criticism towards the linguistic genre approaches. A good example is Hyland’s (2007) reasoning in response to some advocates of the NR school, who firmly believe that genres are evolving and variable and who therefore question the very feasibility of teaching genres as constant and regular (Freedman 1999; Freedman & Medway, 1994; Lankshear & Knoble, 2003; Lillis & Scott, 2007). Specifically referring to L2 writers, Hyland rationalizes that genre-based teaching is a time-saver in the lengthy process of situated acquisition rather than a curse for context authenticity, as the NR adherents fear (see Bishop & Ostrom, 1997).