By Ralph H. Petrucci, F. Geoffrey Herring, Jeffry D. Madura, Carey Bissonnette
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B) 17. As with the preceding problem, we can figure out the empirical formulas for the four iodine-fluorine containing compounds from the ratios of the amounts of fluorine that were determined in 16(a): Cmpd A: IF Cmpd B: IF3 Cmpd C: IF5 Cmpd D: IF7 (M) One oxide of copper has about 20% oxygen by mass. 26 moles). This would give an empirical formula of CuO (copper(II) oxide). The second oxide has less oxygen by mass, hence the empirical formula must have less oxygen or more copper (Cu:O ratio greater than 1).
0 g N contains the greatest number of atoms. Note: Even if you take nitrogen as N2, the answer is the same. 57. 0221367 1023 atoms F 1 atom F For exactly 1 F atom, the number of sig figs in the answer is determined by the least precise number in the calculation, namely the mass of fluorine. (b) # of Cr atoms = 147, 400 g Cr 45 Chapter 2: Atoms and the Atomic Theory 58. 77 1019 atoms Kr (b) Molar mass is defined as the mass per mole of substance. 09 g. This calculation requires that the number of moles be determined.
Relative abundances of the molecules are as follows. 0036% 3 H 35 Cl has A 38 3 H 37 Cl has A 40 Relative Number of atoms 50. 0002% The Periodic Table 51. 52. (E) (a) 80 60 40 20 36 37 38 39 Mass Number Ge is in group 14 and in the fourth period. (b) Other elements in group 16(6A) are similar to S: O, Se, and Te. Most of the elements in the periodic table are unlike S, but particularly metals such as Na, K, and Rb. (c) The alkali metal (group 1), in the fifth period is Rb. (d) The halogen (group 17) in the sixth period is At.