By Pilar Ortuño Anaya

Pilar Ortuño Anaya breaks new flooring within the research of the overseas dimensions of the Spanish transition to democracy. She argues that express members and firms made an important contribution to the democratization strategy. Dr Ortuño Anaya establishes for the 1st time the position performed through ecu socialist and exchange union agencies, specifically the German Social Democratic celebration and its affiliated unions, the Labour pursuits within the uk, and the French Socialists.

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34 Despite this request, Robert Pontillon, International Secretary of the French Socialist Party, considered that his party should send an observer to the December Congress. 35 Iglesias and Jimeno met in Paris with members of the French Socialist Party such as Bernard Montainer and George Sarre in order to reaffirm their position, and were able to persuade the French Socialists not to send an observer to the Congress. According to Miguel Peydró, however, the SI did send Veronica Isenberg, a member of the SPD, as an observer.

62 Several factors influenced the final decision of the SI. One factor was the PSOE(r)’s tactic of monopolising international attention, leaving little room for the PSOE histórico. For example, the mission to Spain carried out by the British Labour Party met exclusively with representatives of the PSOE(r). This was important because it influenced the British representatives’ view and as a result of that they campaigned within the SI in favour of the PSOE(r). 63 Another factor that tipped the balance in favour of the PSOE(r) was the support given by the UGT, that was itself receiving support from the ICFTU, an organisation composed of trade unions which had links with affiliated members of the SI.

Rodolfo Llopis reported on the Spanish situation, affirming that the longevity of the Franco regime was due to international support, and the support of the Army, the Church and the main economic groups. Therefore, Llopis called upon the Socialist parties to put pressure on their governments to stop supporting Franco. He mentioned the critical financial situation of the PSOE and the difficulties that the PSOE had encountered in counteracting not just Francoist but also Communist propaganda. Finally, Llopis emphasised the importance of the help given by the SI to the PSOE and stressed the correlation that existed between having a democracy in Spain and helping the PSOE: If you are interested in Spain becoming a democracy tomorrow, you have to help us, since our Party will be the pivot of democracy in Spain.

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