By Lerner K.L. (ed.), Lerner B.W. (ed.)

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Advertising to cure all the ills which flesh is heir to; perform wonderful surgical operations; lecture on anatomy, physiology, health, hygiene, phrenology, and various other topics of which they are perfectly ignorant. In their advertisements, their harrangues to the public, their conversations with private visitors, or in their lectures, they are sure to let drop some hint, by which the unprincipled may imply of what their secret business consists. Follow these miscreants to their private consultation rooms, and you shall see where the most disgraceful scenes are enacted, and where hands and souls are stained by the blood of unborn babes.

E S S E N T I A L P R I M A R Y S O U R C E S xxxv CHRONOLOGY 1970: United States Congress passes Controlled Sub- 1984: Crime-fighting efforts bolstered by the Sentenc- stance Act (CSA). ing Reform Act, which stiffens prison sentences, requiring mandatory terms for certain crimes and abolishing federal parole; and by the Victims of Crime Act. Throughout the 1980s, numerous national and community-based organizations are formed to provide support to victims of rape, spousal abuse, drunk driving, and other crimes.

New York: Courier Dover, 2001. About the Author: Fyodor M. Dostoevsky (1821–1881) was born in Moscow, but moved to St. Petersburg, Russia, with his family, where he graduated from military engineering school in 1841. The following year, Dostoevsky left the military to pursue literature. Dostoevsky created most of his famous works after 1860, including such novels as Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and The Brothers Karamazov. INTRODUCTION Crime and Punishment recounts in feverish, compelling tones the story of Raskolnikov, an impoverished student tormented by his own nihilism (a philosophy which holds life and works as neither meaningful nor meaningless) and the struggle between good and evil.

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