By Hans Koning
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Could not win against iron, staves could not win against can non fire. And the reports of gold soon brought in a fleet of Spanish reinforcements. Peru fell into chaos. Remote provinces continued to resist and declared themselves independent. The elaborate system of irriga- 42 THE CONQUEST OF AMERICA An early representation from La Conquista del Peru (Seville, 1 534) of the Spanish conquest of Peru, depicting an encounter between a Spanish priest and Atahualpa. [New York Public Library Rore Books and Manuscripts Collection] tion broke down; famine and smallpox swept the land.
He was wrong: the working conditions were such that one generation of slavery was enough to empty the plains. ) A CONTINENT IN CHAINS There was no real ending to the conquest of Latin America. It continued in remote forests and on far mountainsides. It is still going on in our day when miners and ranchers invade land belonging to the Amazon Indians and armed thugs occupy In dian villages in the backwoods of Central America. The continued, if subdued, state of warfare suited the conquis tadoreswell.
That was always the determination of the Spaniards in all the lands they con quered. With this aim, they sent a summons to all the caciques and nobles ... and as soon as these arrived, they were taken prisoner so unexpectedly that none could flee and warn the others. The Spaniards had asked for five thousand Indians to carry their cargo. What a grievous thing it was, to see those Indians as they prepared to carry the loads. They came naked, , stark naked except for their private parts, which they covered.