By Davidson P., et al. (eds.)

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Eine Beziehung zwischen Warmeaustausch und Stromungswiderstand der Flussigkeiten. Phys. , 11, 1072–1078. , 1913. Fl¨ussigkeitsbewegung. In Handw¨orterbuch der Naturwissenschaften, 4, 101–140. , 1949. Early Essex Patents, Essex Review LV1, C17. , 1879. On certain dimensional properties of matter in the gaseous state, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, 170, 727–845. , 1883. An experimental investigation of the circumstances which determine whether the motion of water shall be direct or sinuous and the law of resistance in parallel channels, Phil.

The building was new but unoccupied and presumably unequipped (since the professors would have been responsible for choosing the equipment for their laboratories). The 1: Osborne Reynolds: a Turbulent Life 23 first students were admitted in February 1885 from which time Unwin was appointed Dean of the Central Institution, with all the associated administrative responsibilities, on top of the task of teaching in his own department without, initially, any demonstrators or assistants, (Walker, 1938).

Editor). Turbulent transition in Pipe Flow – 125th Anniversary of Reynolds’ Paper, Phil. Trans. Roy. , 367A, 448–559. , 2004. New experiments set the scale for the onset of turbulence in pipe flow, Physics Today, 57(2), 21–23. , 1946. Osborne Reynolds and his Work in Hydraulics and Hydrodynamics, Longmans Green (commissioned by the British Council). , 1854. Uber den Einfluss der Temperatur auf die Bewegung des Wassers in Rohren, Math. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 17–98. , 1869. Uber die Bewegung des Wassers in cylindrischen, nahe horizontalen Leitungen.

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