By Charles Harvie

Vietnam's daring financial reforms initiated less than the name of Doi Moi in 1986 have produced extraordinary fiscal results that have involved economists, company humans, trade scholars, political scientists and executive advisors alike around the world. This booklet surveys vital elements of those advancements, analyses the most contributing components, offers precious references on constructing and transitional economies, and information soundly researched clients in alternate, funding and company during this new swiftly constructing marketplace economic system in East Asia.

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This line served as the basis for a process of renovation in the entire economy over the period from 1986 to the present. While Vietnam's reform program is usually regarded as having started in December 1986 with the Sixth Party Congress and the adoption of doi moi, it could be argued that the earlier reforms of the late 1970s started the whole process and this long period of gradual learning-by-doing is one of the reasons why Vietnam has been far more successful than East European economies attempting a similar transition.

This poor result was chiefly due to a dismal performance of agriculture. 7 billion dong (Table 3,3). Besides the consequences of war, a very important reason for the poor performance was shortcomings in management and leadership. In agriculture, a combination of ambitious targets, poorly trained cadres, arbitrary management and shortages of incentives was blamed for the lack of improvement in productive capacity. The policy of encouraging a normal operation of the private sector in the South was also seen as disrupting central control and distribution of essentials, contributing to the price inflation of basic necessities.

Nowadays, crude oil exports have become the government's major source of revenue and a top hard currency earner. 5 billion tons, and an annual production of between 4 and 7 million tons), chromite, iron, tin, copper and nickel ores are found in the North, while the South is well known for being the country's rice bowl in the Mekong Delta as well as containing the previously mentioned oil and gas reserves. Other minerals which have been discovered include zinc, manganese, gold, precious stones, and bauxite.

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