By Leon Trotsky
1958 Hardcover. No airborne dirt and dust jacket. minimum put on. No markings or highlights, differently great fresh replica.
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Among many other things, the fate of the Comintern is being settled. If England accepts the idea of a pact (without Germany), the congress of the Comintern promised for the first half of this year will of course not be called. ), the congress will probably be held. But this congress of the bankrupts is not capable of giving anything to the proletariat ! * * * Claude Farrere, whom I mentioned the other day, has been elected to the Academy. What a revolting pack of old clowns ! Barthou, who, being a bad writer, is of course a member of the Academy also, gave the following reply when asked in a questionnaire, ' \Vhat would you wish for yourself?
R. in the editorial columns would be stopped; (c) a few months later-six, as I remember-the paper would begin to adopt a line favourable to the U. S. R. in foreign affairs; (d) the reports from Moscow would become favourable; (e) in their second editorial column (on domestic politics) the editors would be left completely free to criticize Bolshevism; (f ) the Soviet government would pay Le Temps a million francs a year, Krassin made an initial bid of a half million and went up to 750,000, at which point the negotiations were interrupted.
We shall see. And if we don't, then others will. * * * Rakovsky is graciously admitted to the solemn assemblies and receptions for foreign ambassadors and bourgeois journalists. One great revolutionary less, one petty official more! * * * Zyromsky wants to form an alliance with Stalin. It is reported that Otto Bauer is planning to go to Moscow. Both facts are easy to explain. All the scared opportunists of the Second Inter national inevitably gravitate these days toward the Soviet bureau cracy.