By Lars H. Schmidt

The e-book bargains with all sensible matters in reference to functional tree seed procurement and provide in tropical nations, with worthy historical past info and documentation of utilized tools. It starts off with seed assortment and follows the procedures of the normal fates of seeds. The textual content covers basic hands-on tools and extra complicated equipment. A synthesis and dialogue of modern findings in seed study is given.

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G. a fishing line, is tied to the sandbag, arrow, lead bullet, rod or whatever is shot or thrown. The object is thrown over a strong branch as high as possible. When it falls down it will pull up the thin line. Via an intermediate line, this line is then used to pull up the working line/safety line/lifeline or rope/wire ladder (Blair 1995; Stubsgaard 1997; Arboricultural Association 2005; Fig. 25). A precise throw or shot is difficult to make as it pertains both to aiming precision and shooting/throwing distance.

The flexible saw may be operated by one person only standing under the branch and using alternating hands for pulling or by two people standing at some distance. Cut-off branches and twigs often get entangled on the way down. A hook mounted on a light pole is the universal tool to drag down caught branches and branchlets. Fig. 18. A flexible saw is a specially designed chain saw blade which can be placed over a branch via the advanced line technique. a The flexible saw in operation. 41 42 C HAPTER 2 Seed Collection Fig.

The population may be defined as a delineated stand or may consist of several separate stands over a larger area. Increasing the distance between mother trees will generally reduce the risk of kinship; the number will increase the likelihood of catching all genes. To catch most genes in a reasonably sized population may require 50–100 unrelated seed trees. For ordinary seed collection for afforestation, the number could be less than half. In practice, if populations are fragmented and scattered it is difficult to comply with the separation and the minimum number of mother trees, simply because there are too few mature trees left.

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