By Henk W Overbeek

This assortment examines unemployment in Europe within the context of globalization, the implementation of ecu financial Union and the jap expansion of the ecu. It combines theoretical chapters with unique case reviews of england, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain and imperative Europe.

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The same question regarding the remaining options for national strategies underlies the discussion by Magnus Ryner and Thorsten Schulten of developments in the heartland of continental social democracy (Chapter 10). They take up a theme of Robert Cox (1987), who argued that a counter-hegemonic project might arise from the ‘state capitalist’ development models on the European continent (or what later has been referred to as ‘Rhineland capitalism’ by Michel Albert (1993)). They start off by showing how EMU spearheads a ‘transnational neo-liberal hegemonic project’ in the EU.

Harris 1995: 21–84; Suda 1994). The implications for employment worldwide are obviously far-reaching (Lonnroth 1994; Simai 1995b). What are the mechanisms that integrate an increasing proportion of the world population directly into capitalist labour markets and lock national and regional labour markets into an integrated global labour market? They are principally of three kinds: first, there are those connected to the spread of transnational trade and production; second, there are the effects of new (both in the sense of the most recent and in the sense of novel) forms of the commodification of labour power globally; and, third, there are the various forms of labour migration that enhance the overall tendential integration of labour markets globally.

G. Africa, Eastern Europe, Central America) the two most important changes since the mid-1970s (often interacting) have been the debt crisis and the ensuing imposition of structural adjustment policies, and the end of the Cold War. The Structural Adjustment Programs of the IMF and the World Bank and the withdrawal of military and economic assistance by the superpowers both resulted in a substantial reduction in external financial resources available for redistribution by the state. In many cases this seriously affected the ability of governments to co-opt rivalling elites into the power structure, resulting in serious social and political crises, economic disasters, and regime change or state collapse.

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