By McGraw-Hill

Each consumable Glencoe Reader encourages scholars to learn interactively by way of marking up choices and making a own discussion with quite a few text:

Part I: Fiction, Poetry, and Drama: nearly 15-25 complete size decisions from Glencoe Literature: The Reader’s selection

Part II: Nonfiction and Informational textual content: Literary nonfiction, mass media, textbooks, kinds, maps, purposes, schedules, and more!

Part III: interpreting and Succeeding on Standardized assessments: interpreting and writing try out classes from The Princeton overview , the nation’s top test-preparation company!

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Extra info for The Glencoe Reader Grade 12

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That could be one place to put my arrow. But the question mark in the beginning gets readers into the story by making them curious about my cat. ”Place your arrow so it points to the first sentence, and write a few words on it to explain your thinking. I like how the question mark makes people want to keep reading. ➱ “When you go off to do your own writing today,”you might conclude,“be thinking about what ending punctuation to use, and how it will help the reader. After you have written for a while, I will come around with sticky-note arrows so you can label a place you made a really good punctuation decision.

Find the strawberry. . —Don and Audrey Wood,The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big, Hungry Bear Read the text aloud, stopping when students raise their hand to share their thoughts. It is important that explanations be in the children’s words and not to insist on correct terminology as long as the essential idea is on track. Circle the new punctuation on the transparency as students point it out, write their theories in the margins of the text, and facilitate the conversation.

44 ■ P R AC T I C A L P U N C T U AT I O N Possible Follow-Up The question of how ending and middle punctuation differ has no exact answer, and Activities students may benefit from hearing what a variety of people have to say on the subject. A possible homework assignment is to have them interview three separate adults on the subject, asking: • What does punctuation inside the sentence do? • What does punctuation at the end of the sentence do? • How are they the same? • How are they different? Breathing, Thinking, and Deciding What’s Important ■ 45 lesson 2 Punctuation Detectives, Part 2 Rationale/Purpose This lesson shifts from noticing what punctuation makes our voices do to reflecting on why authors choose particular punctuation marks.

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